Hi-Lo Card Counting – the mother of all Systems

Few card counting techniques have garnered as much attention as the Hi-Lo count. It is the mother of Blackjack strategies, a method both revered for its effectiveness and simplicity. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a curious beginner, diving into the Hi-Lo system can transform your blackjack experience.

This article is about the fundamentals, advantages, challenges, and the path to mastery of this renowned system.

Hi Lo card counting

Origins and History of the Hi-Lo System

The Hi-Lo system, a gem in the world of card counting, has its roots deeply embedded in the history of blackjack. Edward Thorp, often hailed as the “father of card counting,” introduced this system in his groundbreaking book, “Beat the Dealer,” published in 1962. This book not only unveiled the secrets of card counting to the masses but also showcased the Hi-Lo system as a simple yet effective method. Over the years, the Hi-Lo system has gained immense popularity, becoming the go-to strategy for many professional blackjack players.

Basic Principle Behind Card Counting and Its Effectiveness

Card counting, at its core, is all about gaining an edge over the blackjack casino. It’s a skill, an art, and a bit of a science. By keeping track of the cards that have been dealt, players can predict the nature of the remaining cards in the deck. Now, you might wonder, “How does this give an advantage?” Well, knowing the composition of the remaining deck can influence your betting and playing decisions.

The Hi-Lo system simplifies this process. Cards are assigned a value of +1, -1, or 0. Low cards (2-6) are given a +1 value, high cards (10, J, Q, K, A) a -1, and neutral cards (7-9) a 0. As the game progresses, players keep a “running count” based on these values. A positive count indicates that the deck has more high cards, while a negative count suggests more low cards.

The beauty of the Hi-Lo system lies in its simplicity. Even blackjack novices can grasp and apply it with a bit of practice. And while it’s not the only card counting system out there, its effectiveness and ease of use have made it a favorite among many.

Objective: To Determine When the Deck is Rich in 10-Value Cards and Aces

Why the emphasis on 10-value cards and Aces? It’s simple. A deck rich in these cards is advantageous to the player. Here’s why:

  • Blackjack Possibilities: Aces and 10-value cards increase the chances of hitting a blackjack, which pays out 3:2, offering a significant advantage to the player.
  • Dealer Busts: Dealers are bound by the rules to hit on certain values. A deck rich in high cards increases the likelihood of them busting.
  • Doubling Down: When players double down, they’re hoping for a high card. A deck filled with 10-value cards and Aces makes this move more profitable.

The objective of the Hi-Lo system, therefore, is to capitalize on these situations. When the count is high, players can increase their bets, knowing the odds are in their favor. Conversely, when the count is low, it might be wiser to decrease the bet or even consider walking away for a while.

Card Values in the Hi-Lo System:

  • Low cards (2, 3, 4, 5, 6): +1
  • Neutral cards (7, 8, 9): 0
  • High cards (10, J, Q, K, A): -1

Running Count:

  • Starting the count at 0 at the beginning of a new deck or shoe.
  • Adding or subtracting card values based on the cards dealt.
  • Importance of speed and accuracy.

Conversion to True Count:

  • Dividing the running count by the approximate number of decks remaining.
  • Estimating the number of decks remaining in the shoe.

Betting Strategy:

In the realm of blackjack, the basic betting strategy is deeply intertwined with the true count. As the count becomes positive, indicating a deck rich in high-value cards, players are advised to increase their bets. This is because a positive count can tilt the odds in the player’s favor, making larger bets more profitable. On the flip side, when the count is neutral or veers into the negative, it’s prudent to decrease or stick to the minimum bet. This approach minimizes potential losses when the deck isn’t as favorable.

Risk and bankroll considerations play a pivotal role in this strategy. It’s not just about knowing when to bet big or small; it’s about understanding the potential risks and ensuring that your bankroll can withstand the natural ebbs and flows of the game.

While the true count guides betting decisions, the basic strategy remains the foundation upon which all decisions are built. It’s the roadmap that players rely on, especially in standard situations. Key deviations based on the true count, such as taking insurance when the count is +3 or higher, become crucial. Moreover, the importance of knowing when to stand, hit, double down, or split based on the count cannot be overstated.

Advantages of the Hi-Lo System:

One of the standout attributes of the Hi-Lo system is its simplicity and ease of use, especially for those just dipping their toes into the world of card counting. This straightforward nature ensures that even beginners can grasp the concept without being overwhelmed.

Beyond its user-friendly nature, the Hi-Lo system boasts a high degree of effectiveness. It provides players with a more accurate prediction of high-value cards, which can be a game-changer in determining the next move.

Furthermore, its reputation isn’t just built on word of mouth. The Hi-Lo system is widely accepted and well-documented in blackjack literature, cementing its place as a trusted and reliable strategy for players around the globe.

Challenges and Limitations:

While the Hi-Lo system offers numerous advantages, it’s essential to be aware of its challenges. One significant hurdle players face is the casinos’ countermeasures against card counters. Casinos are well-aware of card counting strategies and have implemented tactics such as shuffling more often and imposing betting limits to curb the effectiveness of card counters.

Another challenge is the importance of discipline and emotional control. Blackjack, like all casino games, can be a rollercoaster of emotions. Players must maintain a level head, especially when the count is unfavorable or when faced with a string of losses.

Lastly, diving into the world of card counting requires a substantial bankroll and a deep understanding of risk. While the potential rewards are enticing, players must be prepared for the inherent risks and ensure they’re financially equipped to handle the ups and downs.


The journey through the world of card counting, especially with the Hi-Lo system, is both intriguing and rewarding. A recap of the importance and effectiveness of the Hi-Lo system underscores its position as a trusted strategy for many blackjack enthusiasts. Its simplicity, combined with its potential to tilt the odds in the player’s favor, makes it a go-to choice for many.

Yet, as with any skill, the key lies in continued practice and adaptation. The landscape of blackjack is ever-evolving, and players must be willing to adapt, refine, and grow.

It’s essential to acknowledge the challenges faced by card counters. From casino countermeasures to the emotional rollercoaster of the game, the path isn’t always smooth. However, the rewards of mastering this skill, both in terms of financial gains and the sheer thrill of outsmarting the house, make the journey worth every twist and turn.

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